Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2nd Tips

First off, Miss Sharla is down 3 lbs this week! WAHOO! She's cutting out sugar and it's working. Good job lady, keep it up. (She also shared some great tips via email. I'll add those here in the next post.)

Here's some interesting info I got from The Biggest Loser today in my inbox... leave a comment and let us know what you think.

10 Ways to Make Small Changes
By Cheryl Forberg, RD

As nutritionist for The Biggest Loser for 11 seasons, I've learned a great deal about typical factors that plan a key role in weight gain. These factors are what many of our contestants, as well as many Americans have in common. They:

1. Prioritized other things—such as their families, friends, and jobs—over their own health and wellbeing.
2. Had absolutely no idea how many calories their bodies really needed (or how many they consumed each day).
3. Frequently skipped breakfast and other meals.
4. Didn't eat enough fruits or vegetables.
5. Didn't eat enough lean protein.
6. Didn't eat enough whole grains. 7. Ate too much "white stuff," such as white flour, white pasta, white sugar, white rice, and simple carbohydrates.
8. Didn't plan their meals in advance and often found themselves grabbing something on the go, which they ate standing up, in the car, or at their desks.
9. Drank too many of their calories (some people consumed their daily calorie budgets in sugary drinks alone!) but didn't drink enough water or milk.
10. Didn't get enough exercise (if any).

If this list sounds familiar, you have 10 great places to start making small changes. The most important swap though, really needs to be No. 1 on your list – changing your priorities.