Thursday, January 27, 2011

3 Extreeme Tips

These are taken from The 4 Hour Body. Click here to see the first clip on Dr Oz then find the links there to see the rest. Very interesting stuff...

1. Get cold. It takes a lot more effort to do your normal stuff if your body is cold. Thus, you will burn more calories. Start off by just putting an ice pack on the back of your neck for 20 minutes. Then add your upper back/shoulders. Next add ice to your upper chest. Once you're accustomed to that you can try a cold shower. Then, if you're REALLY brave and ready, take an ice bath 3x a week for 10 minutes. DON'T just start with the ice bath!!! (Who the FREAK would want to?!?!?!?)

2. Start your day with A LOT of protein. Like 5 eggs or a protein shake. Sorry, I can't remember how much or why... you'll have to look it up yourself ;)

3. Pig Out once a week. Many people can do well the rest of the week if they know they get to pig out once that week. There are just some things you need to do to make sure the pig out doesn't ruin you. Fist, drink a small glass of grapefruit juice BEFORE you binge. This will help keep your blood sugar even. Afterward, within 1 hour, do air squats for one minute. This will open up receptors in your muscles... which burn more calories than the rest of your body.

I don't know about ya'll ... but I'm going to do those air squats after any time I mess up my diet!

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