Monday, November 1, 2010

My Monday's Menu

Sorry I didn't post anything all weekend... I'm sure you can all guess how my eating went :)

Daily Point Target 27
(Yes, it's different from previous days.. I'll explain why in a few weeks...)

Breakfast (5 pts)
scrambled eggs (1 whole egg + 2 egg whites) = 2 pts
salsa = 0 pts
1 slice Wonder soft 100% whole wheat toast, plain = 1 pt
1 cup 100% unsweetened grapefruit juice = 2 pts

Lunch (1 1/2 pts)
Yoplait smoothie

Snack (7 pts)
bagel 5 pts
2 T 1/3 fat cream cheese 2 pts

Dinner (8 pts)
3 oz Mexican Chicken (chicken + salsa + garlic = yummy!) 3 pts
1 0z colby jack cheese 3 pts
1/2 cup canned peaches 2 pts
... ("unsweetened" would be 1 pt, but these were canned by my mother-in-law and I'm sure she put sugar in with them. So, I guesstimated that it's an extra point.)

Total points used today = 21.5

HOWEVER... I did have more than 2 or 3 or 4 mini candy bars from the Halloween stash, so I figure I probably went over points. :( Darn Halloween candy!!! Why do I have no control?????

Hope you all did better than me. How's it going?


Sheri said...

Alright! My official first day went well. Here's the details:

1 serving, Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats = 3 pts
1 cup 1% milk = 2 pts

1 wedge, Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss cheese = 1 pt
13 Tostitos Crispy Rounds tortilla chips = 3 pts
4 T of Salsa = 0 pts
12 oz Coke Zero = 0 pts

12 Blue Diamond Cinnamon Brown Sugar Roasted Almonds = 2 pts
1 light string cheese = 1 pt

1 serving of Shaggy Chicken (from the neighborhood cookbook) = 7 pts
1/3 cup steamed corn kernels = .5 pts
1/2 a medium apple = .5 points
1 cup of 1% milk = 2 pts

Kashi Honey Almond Flax granola bar = 2 pts

Total = 24 points

Sadly, through all my years of "participating" in Weight Watchers, I think this is the best I've ever done in a day. Only 3 points over and I was STARVING all day. Guess my body has some adjusting to do.
Thanks for doing this Chantelle! I could never stay motivated if I didn't have anyone to report to.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. You are helping us newbies figure out how this all works.
