Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nov 24th Weigh In

Thanks to Korene and Tonya for coming over!!!

Korene lost 1 1/2 lbs this week. (She's lost 15 so far!!!)
Tonya & I both stayed the same.

Today we talked about how to curb those cravings... or a sweet tooth.

Here are a few of my favorite tips...

-Brush your teeth!
-Make a meal plan that includes sweets
-don't skip meals... you don't want your blood sugar to plummet - that leads to cravings & binging.
-don't keep them in your house.
-stay away from sugar substitutes. You'll burn through those calories faster which can cause your blood sugar to drop and create a craving.

Click here for the rest of the list and greater explanation.
(on the left side there are links to more tips on the same subject.)

Have a great Turkey Day everyone... enjoy the yummy food... just don't binge!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Ahhh! Dumb me, I completely forgot about this morning!! Where was my reminder email? This is all your fault Chantelle! ;o) Ok fine, I suppose I'm a grown up who is capable of making it to meetings with or without a reminder. I'll write it down and be there next week!
PS, Way to go Korene!